What our delegates have said recently

What our delegates have said in the past

I stumbled upon your site today and found it to be an excellent resource; wish I knew about it when sitting FRCR 2b last year!

Many thanks for compiling the fantastic set of images/cases on your website - they are so helpful and informative.

Thank you for setting up your website. It gives me a lot of practice. I figure that if everyone contributed a little something, your website would expand and we'd all get to see a huge variety of cases.

I'm a fellow radiologist working in Australia. I would like to congratulate you for you marvellous work on the FRCR Tutorials website. Thank you!

Thank you for your frcr tutorial website, it looks like a lot of work has gone into it.

Thank you really very much for the excellent website. It is really better than many courses.

This is to appreciate your good work, your website have been very useful. Thank you.

I would first like to congratulate you for your excellent website frcrtutorials.com. I was surfing the internet for some guidance on FRCR and was immensely happy to see your website.

First of all I would like to  thank you a lot for creating such a  wonderful website and preparation material towards frcr 2b examination. It is really a great help especially for candidates outside U.K.

I must congratulate you on this wonderful website. It is indeed a boon to those appearing for the FRCR 2b exams.

Thanks alot for your RR modules, I guess I benefit from it a lot.

I must congratulate you on this wonderful website. It is indeed a boon to those appearing for the FRCR 2b exams.

I am a third year trainee in Northern Ireland and am about to sit my FRCR 2B in October.  I just wanted to say how brilliant I thought your website was and how much I appreciate it! Thanks for doing it.

Congratulations and Thank you for your effort in designing FRCRTUTORIALS.COM. It really is a fantastic site providing useful tips and insight into the examination preparation.

Your website "FRCRtutorials.com" is amazing !! Its really a wonderful endeavour especially the "Never Ever Give Up" slogan.

Dear Sir, Hats off for you, excellent work ! your site is excellent and is helping me a lot in my preparation thank u for d gr8 teaching files..its a gr8 resource.

I'm writing to thank you a lot for your great effort in the website which i find very helpful for my preparation for the FRCR2B in this critical time

I must congratulate you on your great site. Your work is really commendable. I have been practicing your RR and getting useful tips about the viva component. Hope your site, useful suggestions and tips will make me find my way through the 2b. Thanks once again...

thank you very much for this great work, the site is  very nice & very helpful

Ever since I saw your site few weeks back, I am a regular follower of the site. I must congratulate you for maintaining  a wonderful site and the high quality of content which is  very useful for the exam. Keep up the good work. I thank you once again for helping us in attempting the exam.

Amazing work . If I pass my exam this time its all thanks to you as here, in Australia there is no teaching for FRCR and its too far to fly in and out for the prep courses. Please update the max info till the exam.

thank you for putting up such an invaluable site for preparation of frcr2b. great job

Your site is very good and its helping me in preparing for exams. Excellent quality of images. And real single clear abnormality, Thanks for all the efforts.

You are doing a great thing by opening FRCR tutorials website Thank you very much

First and foremost i would like to thank u and congratulate u for this fabulous site. i m definately not the only one to tell u how immensely the site is helpful to all of us appearing for 2B.

GREAT WORK. Solving ur packets is helping me to gain confidence

Thanks a lot for the valuable web site

Today only I bumped at your site. appearing march 2011. Great work...downloaded all 10 packets...plan to finish them over few days. Continue your great attitude.....predicting a famous radiology teacher in making.....

I appreciate your efforts . Your site is marvellous, and u did it to timely , just prior to exam. 

Congrats for such a great pioneer work in this field. I am appearing for exam in spring sitting. I find your RR packs very useful for practice. Also your RR tips are tooo good 

I am a candidate from India giving the exam this spring. What you are doing is invaluable for all of us and is much appreciated. Thank you so much :-)

Thanks Dr sameer thats really praiseworthy effort and at the right time too. Really appreciable! thanks

I went thru ur tutorials ,its an excellant presentation with its useful hints and skills, may God give you great strength to help others and make this selfless effort a great success

Congrats on developing your own website and above all the idea behind it, to help other colleagues and to spread knowledge. Hope that it will help all of us who have this last hurdle to clear to get FRCR. I wish you best of luck.........