FRCR 2B Online Library
One place for all your practice
100 VIVA Cases & 20 RR sets Video Reviewed
1 month Access : £50.00
2 months Access : £100.00
3 months Access : £150.00
6 months Access : £300.00
This is a unique library with VIVA Cases that are aimed at the level of FRCR 2B VIVA Examination
100 full fidelity DICOM Cases are available to go through and practice on our Cloud platform: PostDICOM PACS
All cases have an attached Video Recorded Tutor Review mp4 file of the Case by Dr Sameer Shamshuddin
Rapid Reporting and Long Cases
20 sets of RR containing video review of cases and another 20 sets of RR with answers for practice
6 dedicated sets of Long Cases with model answers
100 VIVA cases can also be used to practice as Long-Cases
Works on PC/MAC/Mobile platform
We recommend using a Laptop PC or Mac with Chrome as web-browser and with a mouse.
Use Zoom, Pan, Window, Rotate and Reset tools and not others as these are the only functions available in the actual exams.
Demo Cases and Technical Requirements
We recommend you to please try our online PACS with demo link before you subscribe.
1. PC or Mac laptop/desktop with good broadband connectivity
2. Accessories Required: mouse and speakers / good headset to listen to the video file
3. Click on this link to access sample cases : FRCR 2B Online Library Demo PACS
Password is : frcr
Work through each case, talk through the case and listen to the tutorial in mp4, it's that simple !!!
Steps to access online library:
1. Click on the link provided in the email from PostDICOM with access to shared folder and login with the password that was sent in the same email
2. You should see this when you login
3. When you open a folder 01 FRCR 2B VIVA Library, you should see cases listed as below
3. Double click on a case to open VIEWER window
4. Series named as Mp4 will be a VIDEO file with presentation of the case by Dr Sameer Shamshuddin
5. Rapid Reporting and Long Case folders will have model answers in PDF. Video review of all rapid reporting sets are underway and should be available before the September 2021 sitting
Post DICOM Troubleshooting
1. If you are using a different internet browser, use Google Chrome to access your PostDICOM shared folder
2. PC-Windows: On the home page ( ) press Ctrl and F5 keys at the same time. It will force your internet browser to download and render the page again.
3. Apple Macbook : press “Shift + Command + R" to Force this page to reload for Google Chrome
If you are still having the connection problem, delete the internet browser cache and try to access share link again.
Note: for any technical issues please only contact and we will aim to resolve your issue in 7 working days.
Cancellation policy:
If we happen to cancel any of our course due to any reasons, we shall offer an option to issue a full refund of registration fees or an option to transfer to the next similar course free of charge. Registrations are non-refundable and non-transferable for any other reasons including the current Covid Pandemic and/or any future unexpected reasons which are beyond our control.
Note: for any issues please only contact and we will aim to resolve your issue in 7 working days.